Tuesday, October 25, 2011

6wks post TAC

The last time I posted an update, I experienced some slight bleeding near the right side of my incision. Well to make a long story short, I emailed DR. Haney and was told not to worry about it because it was most likely a skin irritation. He said there was no way I could get an infection because I was a month past my surgery date...whew. I felt relieved! He told me to focus on getting pregnant and delivering my healthy babies:-) He's such a great person.....I will never forget Dr. Haney! Fast forwarding to today.....I went to my RE and my baseline was done......woo-hoo. Today I was told to begin my birth control pills for our upcoming IVF cycle!! I'm claiming triplets at this point....*fingers crossed*. One more thing, I'm scheduled for my hysteroscopy on Nov 1 to make sure I don't have any cysts, fibroids, scar tissue or any abnormalities that would prevent my embryos from implanting. SN: My hubby and I are extremely excited and can't wait to hold our babies in our arms in 2012!!

"And let us not weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Galatians 6:9